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Text File | 1996-11-11 | 57.3 KB | 1,833 lines
/* ** $VER: SortMail.br 3.34 (27.10.96) ** by Eirik Nicolai Synnes ** ** Some code borrowed from AddSOUP.thor by Magne Østlyngen ** and AddAmiNetList.br by Petter Nilsen ** ** See SortMail.guide for documentation ** */ options results options failat 31 /*signal on error*/ signal on syntax signal on break_c signal on halt parse arg arguments /* ** Initialize some variables */ version = subword(sourceline(2), 4) cfgfile = 'SortMail.cfg' template = 'SYSTEM/A,MSGNO/K/N/M,SHANGHAI/S,LOGINSTATE/S,NOWARN/S,NOCOUNTER/S,ALL/S,QUIET/S' args.all = 0; args.quiet = 0; args.shanghai = 0; args.loginstate = 0; args.nowarn = 0; args.nocounter = 0; fromthor = 0; delnewfiles = 0 logcount = 0; aminetlogcount = 0; errlogcount = 0 BDB_ADD_USERS = 9 /* Parser should add users to database. */ MDB_READ = 1 /* Message is read. */ MDB_DELETED = 5 /* Message is deleted. */ MDB_MARKED = 10 /* Message is marked. */ MDB_SUPERMARKED = 13 /* Message will not be unmarked as long as this flag is set. */ UDB_DELETED = 0 /* User is deleted */ UDB_UNRECOVERABLE = 1 /* User can not be undeleted */ globals = 'sigl thorport ver. fromthor progwin thorpath cfgfile log. logcount delnewfiles aminetlog. aminetlogcount errlog. errlogcount counter data. head. text. textread globalcfg. args. trigger. newmsg. bbsdata. conflist. cursys. fileopen BBSREAD.LASTERROR THOR.LASTERROR globals' /* See if I'm run from Thor */ if left(address(), 5) = 'THOR.' then do thorport = address() address(thorport) 'GETGLOBALCONFIG STEM 'globcfg if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETGLOBALCONFIG: 'THOR.LASTERROR) pubscreen = globcfg.PUBSCREENNAME fromthor = 1 end /* Find/open BBSREAD ARexx port */ if ~show('P', 'BBSREAD') then do address(command) 'Run >NIL: `GetEnv THOR/THORPath`bin/LoadBBSRead' 'WaitForPort BBSREAD' if rc ~= 0 then displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'Couldn''t open BBSREAD''s ARexx port.') end /* ** Give template if arguments = '?' */ if arguments = '?' then do say 'Usage: 'template signal cleanup end /* ** See if another copy of SortMail is already running */ if getclip('SM_Active') ~= '' then call notify("Another copy of SortMail is probably running.\nDo you want to continue?", "Yes|No") if result = 0 then exit(0) call setclip('SM_Active', 'True') /* ** See if user has entered a system or is in the startup window */ if fromthor then do address(thorport) 'CURRENTSYSTEM STEM 'cursys if rc = 1 then do call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'Enter a system before running this script.') end else if rc > 1 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'CURRENTSYSTEM: 'THOR.LASTERROR) address(bbsread) 'GETBBSDATA "'cursys.BBSNAME'" 'bbsdata if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETBBSDATA: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) end else do address(bbsread) 'READARGS "'template'" 'args' CMDLINE 'arguments if rc ~= 0 then do say BBSREAD.LASTERROR say 'Template: 'template signal cleanup end /* Check validity of command line arguments */ if args.SHANGHAI & symbol('args.MSGNO.COUNT') = 'VAR' then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'You can''t specify both SHANGHAI/S and MSGNO/K/N at the same time.') if args.LOGINSTATE & ~args.SHANGHAI then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'LOGINSTATE/S can only be used together with SHANGHAI/S.') globalcfg.SYSTEM = args.SYSTEM address(bbsread) 'GETBBSDATA "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" 'bbsdata if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETBBSDATA: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) end /* ** Find the configuration file */ if ~exists(bbsdata.BBSPATH || cfgfile) then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'Couldn''t find configuration file ('bbsdata.BBSPATH || cfgfile').') /* ** Display some progress info */ if fromthor then do address(thorport) 'OPENPROGRESS TITLE "SortMail.br 'version'" PT "Reading configuration..." AT "_Abort" PCW 40' if rc = 0 then progwin = result else call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'OPENPROGRESS: 'THOR.LASTERROR) end else if ~args.QUIET then do say 'SortMail 'version' by Eirik Nicolai Synnes' say 'Reading configuration...' end /* ** Read configuration */ call readcfg() if args.NOWARN then globalcfg.NOWARN = 1 /* ** Get some system info */ if ~fromthor then do 'GETCONFDATA "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.conference'" STEM 'confdata if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETCONFDATA: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) end /* ** Exit if there's no marked messages in email conference */ if args.LOGINSTATE & confdata.MSGMARKED = 0 then signal cleanup /* ** Get a list of the messages to process */ if fromthor then do /* Get message array from Thor */ if globalcfg.LOGINSTATE then lstate = 'LOGINSTATE' else lstate = '' address(thorport) 'GETMESSAGEARRAY "'globalcfg.conference'" 'msgs' 'lstate if rc = 5 then signal cleanup else if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETMESSAGEARRAY: 'THOR.LASTERROR) end else do select when symbol('args.MSGNO.COUNT') = 'VAR' then do /* Create message array from msg number given on cmd line */ argcnt = 0 do i = 1 to args.MSGNO.COUNT if (args.MSGNO.i > confdata.FIRSTMSG - 1) & (args.MSGNO.i < confdata.LASTMSG + 1) then do argcnt = argcnt + 1 msgs.argcnt = args.MSGNO.i end end msgs.count = argcnt args.ALL = 1 end when args.SHANGHAI then do /* Get message array from an available Thor port */ ports = show('P') do i = 1 to words(ports) if pos(' THOR.', ports) > 0 then thorport = word(substr(ports, pos(' THOR.', ports)), 1) end if thorport ~= 'THORPORT' then do if args.LOGINSTATE then lstate = 'LOGINSTATE'; else lstate = '' call getver() address(thorport) if (ver.thorver > 2) | ((ver.thorver = 2) & (ver.thorrev > 31)) then do 'GETMESSAGEARRAY CONFNAME "'globalcfg.conference'" SYSTEM "'globalcfg.system'" STEM 'msgs lstate if rc = 5 then signal cleanup else if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETMESSAGEARRAY: 'THOR.LASTERROR) end else do 'CURRENTSYSTEM STEM 'cursys if rc > 1 then displayerror(rc, 'SortMail', 'CURRENTSYSTEM: 'THOR.LASTERROR) else if rc = 0 then do if cursys.BBSNAME = globalcfg.SYSTEM then do 'GETMESSAGEARRAY CONFNAME "'globalcfg.conference'" STEM 'msgs lstate if rc = 5 then signal cleanup else if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETMESSAGEARRAY: 'THOR.LASTERROR) end end end args.ALL = 1 end else displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'Couldn''t find Thor''s ARexx port.') end otherwise nop end end if symbol('msgs.count') ~= 'VAR' then do /* Just do 'em all */ if ~args.NOCOUNTER & exists(bbsdata.BBSPATH || 'SortMail.count') then do call open(cn, bbsdata.BBSPATH || 'SortMail.count', 'R') counter = readln(cn) call close(cn) if counter > confdata.FIRSTMSG then confdata.FIRSTMSG = counter if counter >= confdata.LASTMSG then signal cleanup end msgs.count = confdata.LASTMSG - confdata.FIRSTMSG + 1 if msgs.count > 0 then do i = 1 to (confdata.LASTMSG - confdata.FIRSTMSG) + 1 msgs.i = confdata.FIRSTMSG + (i - 1) end end /* ** Exit if there are no messages to process */ if msgs.count = 0 then signal cleanup /* ** Set ARexx clips */ call setclip('SM_System', globalcfg.SYSTEM) call setclip('SM_Conference', globalcfg.CONFERENCE) if fromthor then setclip('SM_ThorPort', thorport) /* ** Utilize BBSRead's copyback buffer */ address(bbsread) 'BUFMODE COPYBACK' /* ** Start processing messages */ processed = 0; totfound = 0; totfail = 0 do i = 1 to msgs.count msgfini = 0; textread = 0; failed = 0; dodelmsg = 0; dodeluser = 0 drop data. head. text. /* Update progressreport */ if fromthor then do progtext = 'Processing message 'i' of 'msgs.count' (#'msgs.i')' address(thorport) 'UPDATEPROGRESS REQ 'progwin' TOTAL 'msgs.count' CURRENT 'i' PT "'progtext'"' if rc = 5 then signal writelog else if rc > 0 then call displayerror(rc, 'SortMail', 'UPDATEPROGRESS: 'THOR.LASTERROR, msgs.i) end else if (~args.QUIET) then do say '1B'x'[1A' || '1B'x'[K' || 'Message 'msgs.i' ('i' of 'msgs.count')' || '1B'x'[0m' say '1B'x'[1A' || '1B'x'[32CType: ' end processed = processed + 1 /* Read message data */ address(bbsread) 'READBRMESSAGE "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.conference'" 'msgs.i' DATASTEM 'data if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(10, 'SortMail', 'READBRMESSAGE, data stem: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgs.i) iterate i end counter = msgs.i /* If messsage is marked as deleted or superunread then skip it */ if ~fromthor & ~bittst(data.FLAGS, MDB_MARKED) & ~args.all then msgfini = 1 if bittst(data.FLAGS, MDB_SUPERMARKED) then msgfini = 1 if bittst(data.FLAGS, MDB_DELETED) then msgfini = 1 if msgfini = 1 then iterate i 'READBRMESSAGE "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.conference'" 'msgs.i' HEADSTEM 'head if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(10, 'SortMail', 'READBRMESSAGE, head stem: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgs.i) iterate i end /* Trigger loop */ address(bbsread) do j = 1 to trigger.count foundmsg = 0; foundcrits = 0 /* Search loop */ do k = 1 to trigger.j.search.count while foundmsg = 0 /* Search in names, addresses and subject */ select when trigger.j.search.k.type = 'FROMADDR' then if index(upper(head.FROMADDR), upper(trigger.j.search.k.criteria)) > 0 then foundmsg = 1 when trigger.j.search.k.type = 'FROMNAME' then if index(upper(head.FROMNAME), upper(trigger.j.search.k.criteria)) > 0 then foundmsg = 1 when trigger.j.search.k.type = 'TOADDR' then if index(upper(head.TOADDR), upper(trigger.j.search.k.criteria)) > 0 then foundmsg = 1 when trigger.j.search.k.type = 'TONAME' then if index(upper(head.TONAME), upper(trigger.j.search.k.criteria)) > 0 then foundmsg = 1 when trigger.j.search.k.type = 'SUBJECT' then if index(upper(head.SUBJECT), upper(trigger.j.search.k.criteria)) > 0 then foundmsg = 1 otherwise if trigger.j.search.k.type ~= 'HEADER' then do if symbol('trigger.j.search.k.type') = 'VAR' then call displayerror(5, 'SortMail', 'Unsupported SEARCH type: 'trigger.j.search.type, msgs.i) else call displayerror(5, 'SortMail', 'Trigger contains invalid search entry', msgs.i) end end if trigger.j.matchall & foundmsg then do; foundcrits = foundcrits + 1; foundmsg = 0; end end do k = 1 to trigger.j.search.count while foundmsg = 0 /* Search in header */ if trigger.j.search.k.type = 'HEADER' then do if textread = 0 then do 'READBRMESSAGE "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.conference'" 'msgs.i' TEXTSTEM 'text if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(10, 'SortMail', 'READBRMESSAGE, text stem: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgs.i) iterate i end textread = 1 end if symbol('text.COMMENT.COUNT') = 'VAR' & text.COMMENT.COUNT > 0 then do l = 1 to text.COMMENT.COUNT if upper(left(text.COMMENT.l, length(trigger.j.search.k.keyword))) = upper(trigger.j.search.k.keyword) & index(upper(text.COMMENT.l), upper(trigger.j.search.k.criteria)) > 0 then foundmsg = 1 end end if trigger.j.matchall & foundmsg then do; foundcrits = foundcrits + 1; foundmsg = 0; end end if trigger.j.matchall & foundcrits = trigger.j.search.count then foundmsg = 1 if foundmsg = 0 then iterate j totfound = totfound + 1 if ~fromthor & ~args.QUIET then do say '1B'x'[1A' || '1B'x'[K' || 'Message 'msgs.i' ('i' of 'msgs.count')' || '1B'x'[0m' say '1B'x'[1A' || '1B'x'[32CType: 'trigger.j.name end trigger.j.hitcount = trigger.j.hitcount + 1 /* Set ARexx msgno clip */ call setclip('SM_MsgNo', msgs.i) /* Action loop */ if trigger.j.action.count > 0 then do k = 1 to trigger.j.action.count while failed = 0 /* Execute internal functions */ returned = 0 select when trigger.j.action.k.type = 'COPY' then do call copymsg(globalcfg.SYSTEM, globalcfg.conference, msgs.i, trigger.j.action.k.destconf, trigger.j.action.k.replyaddr, trigger.j.action.k.destsys) returned = result trigger.j.action.k.hitcount = trigger.j.action.k.hitcount + 1 end when trigger.j.action.k.type = 'RECENT' then do call parseaminet(globalcfg.SYSTEM, globalcfg.conference, msgs.i, trigger.j.action.k.checkdupes, trigger.j.action.k.dontadd, trigger.j.action.k.nostats) returned = result trigger.j.action.k.hitcount = trigger.j.action.k.hitcount + 1 end when trigger.j.action.k.type = 'SAVEMESSAGE' then do if symbol('trigger.j.action.k.substitute') = 'VAR' then do; subst = trigger.j.action.k.substitute; with = trigger.j.action.k.with; end else do; subst = ''; with = ''; end if symbol('trigger.j.action.k.directory') = 'VAR' then call savemessage(msgs.i, 1, trigger.j.action.k.directory, trigger.j.action.k.header, trigger.j.action.k.append, trigger.j.action.k.nobin, subst, with) else call savemessage(msgs.i, 0, trigger.j.action.k.filename, trigger.j.action.k.header, trigger.j.action.k.append, trigger.j.action.k.nobin, subst, with) returned = result trigger.j.action.k.hitcount = trigger.j.action.k.hitcount + 1 drop subst with end when trigger.j.action.k.type = 'SPLITDIGEST' then do call splitdigest(msgs.i, trigger.j.action.k.destconf, trigger.j.action.k.replyaddr, trigger.j.action.k.destsys, globalcfg.conference) returned = result trigger.j.action.k.hitcount = trigger.j.action.k.hitcount + 1 end otherwise if trigger.j.action.k.type ~= 'EXTERNAL' then do returned = 5 if symbol('trigger.j.action.type') = 'VAR' then call displayerror(returned, 'SortMail', 'Unsupported ACTION type: 'trigger.j.action.type, msgs.i) else call displayerror(returned, 'SortMail', 'Trigger contains invalid action entry', msgs.i) end end if returned ~= 0 then do trigger.j.failcount = trigger.j.failcount + 1; failed = 1; totfail = totfail + 1 end else do if trigger.j.delmsg = 1 then dodelmsg = 1 if trigger.j.deluser = 1 then dodeluser = 1 end end if trigger.j.action.count > 0 then do k = 1 to trigger.j.action.count while failed = 0 /* Execute external scripts */ returned = 0 if trigger.j.action.k.type = 'EXTERNAL' then do call runexternal(trigger.j.action.k.scriptname, trigger.j.action.k.scriptopts, msgs.i) returned = result trigger.j.action.k.hitcount = trigger.j.action.k.hitcount + 1 if returned ~= 0 then do trigger.j.failcount = trigger.j.failcount + 1; failed = 1; totfail = totfail + 1 end else do if trigger.j.delmsg = 1 then dodelmsg = 1 if trigger.j.deluser = 1 then dodeluser = 1 end end end leave end /* Remove ARexx msgno clip */ call setclip('SM_MsgNo') if failed ~= 0 then iterate i address(bbsread) /* Delete user? */ if (dodeluser = 1) & (bittst(bbsdata.FLAGS, BDB_ADD_USERS)) then do drop suser. 'SEARCHBRUSER BBSNAME "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" STEM 'suser' SEARCH "'head.FROMADDR'" ADDRESS' if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(10, 'SortMail', 'SEARCHBRUSER: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgs.i) if result > 0 then do n = 1 to suser.COUNT if suser.n.FOUNDINTAG = 1 then do drop duser. tuser. 'READBRUSER BBSNAME "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" USERNR 'suser.n.USERNR' DATASTEM 'duser' TAGSSTEM 'tuser if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(10, 'SortMail', 'READBRUSER: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgs.i) if ~bittst(duser.FLAGS, UDB_DELETED) & (data.MSGDATE < duser.USERDATE + 2) & (data.MSGDATE > duser.USERDATE - 2) & (head.FROMNAME = tuser.NAME) then do 'WRITEBRUSER BBSNAME "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" UPDATEUSERNR 'suser.n.USERNR' DELETEUSER' if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'WRITEBRUSER: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgs.i) end end end end /* Delete original message? */ if dodelmsg = 1 then do 'UPDATEBRMESSAGE "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.conference'" 'msgs.i' SETDELETED' if rc ~= 0 then displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'UPDATEBRMESSAGE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgs.i) end end signal writelog /* ** Some error detection stuff */ error: syntax: select when symbol('BBSREAD.LASTERROR') = 'VAR' then displayerror(rc, 'SortMail', 'Line 'sigl' in SortMail.br: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) when symbol('THOR.LASTERROR') = 'VAR' then displayerror(rc, 'SortMail', 'Line 'sigl' in SortMail.br: 'THOR.LASTERROR) otherwise displayerror(rc, 'SortMail', 'Error 'rc' in line 'sigl': 'errortext(rc)) end /* ** Write log message */ writelog: if fromthor then do address(thorport) 'UPDATEPROGRESS REQ 'progwin' TOTAL 2 CURRENT 2 PT "Writing log message..."' if rc = 5 then signal cleanup if rc > 0 then call displayerror(rc, 'SortMail', 'UPDATEPROGRESS: 'THOR.LASTERROR) end else say '1B'x'[1A' || '1B'x'[K' || 'Writing log...' || '1B'x'[0m' if globalcfg.STATISTICS & totfound > 0 then do logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = 'SortMail processed 'msgs.count' messages and was triggered 'totfound' times, giving 'totfail' warnings/errors.' logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = '' logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = '*Trigger* *name* *Hits* *Fails*' do i = 1 to trigger.count if trigger.i.hitcount > 0 then do logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = left(trigger.i.name, 39)' 'left(trigger.i.hitcount, 9)' 'trigger.i.failcount end end logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = '' do i = 1 to trigger.count if symbol('trigger.i.log.count') = 'VAR' & trigger.i.log.count > 0 then do do j = 1 to trigger.i.log.count logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = trigger.i.log.j end logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = '' end end end if aminetlogcount > 0 then do do i = 1 to aminetlogcount logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = aminetlog.TEXT.i end logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = '' end if errlogcount > 0 then do logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = '*Warnings* *and* *errors*' logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = '' do i = 1 to errlogcount logcount = logcount + 1; log.TEXT.logcount = errlog.TEXT.i end end if logcount ~= 0 then do log.fromname = 'SortMail' log.toname = bbsdata.USERNAME log.toaddr = bbsdata.EMAILADDR log.subject = 'SortMail results' log.text.count = logcount call writemessage('"'globalcfg.SYSTEM'"' '"'globalcfg.CONFERENCE'"' log) if result ~= 0 then do if bbsdata.DNLOADPATH = '' then do address(bbsread) 'GETGLOBALDATA 'globaldata if rc = 0 then logpath = globaldata.DNLOADPATH end else logpath = bbsdata.DNLOADPATH if symbol('logpath') = 'VAR' then do if right(logpath, 1) ~= '/' & right(logpath, 1) ~= ':' then logpath = logpath'/' call notify('SortMail couldn''t write the log as a message.\nDo you want to save it to 'logpath'SortMail.log?', 'Yes|No') if result = 1 then do lfopen = open(lf, logpath'SortMail.log', 'W') if lfopen then do dtg = date('E')' at 'time('N'); call writeln(lf, 'SortMail results on 'dtg'.'); call writeln(lf, '') do i = 1 to log.text.count; call writeln(lf, log.text.i); end call close(lf) end else displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'Couldn''t open 'logpath'SortMail.log for writing.') end end else displayerror(30, 'SortMail',' Couldn''t write log to file.') end drop log. end break_c: halt: cleanup: if exists('T:SortMail.result') then 'Delete T:SortMail.result QUIET' /* ** Turn off copyback buffer */ address(bbsread) 'BUFMODE ENDCOPYBACK' /* ** Update message counter */ if symbol('counter') = 'VAR' & symbol('args.MSGNO.COUNT') ~= 'VAR' & ~args.SHANGHAI then do cnopen = open(cn, bbsdata.BBSPATH || 'SortMail.count', 'W') if cnopen then do call writeln(cn, counter) call close(cn) end end /* ** Close progressbar if open */ if (symbol('progwin') = 'VAR') & (progwin ~= 0) then do address(thorport) 'CLOSEPROGRESS REQ 'progwin progwin = 0 if (symbol('totfound') = 'VAR') & (totfound > 0) then do 'CURRENTSYSTEM STEM 'cursys if rc > 1 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'CURRENTSYSTEM: 'THOR.LASTERROR) if (upper(cursys.CONFNAME) = upper(globalcfg.CONFERENCE)) then 'SHOWCONFERENCE "'globalcfg.CONFERENCE'"' 'UPDATECONFWINDOW' end end /* ** Remove ARexx clips */ call setclip('SM_System') call setclip('SM_Conference') call setclip('SM_ThorPort') call setclip('SM_MsgNo') call setclip('SM_Active') /* ** Have a nice day */ exit(0) /**************************************************************************** **************************** Run an external script *************************** ****************************************************************************/ runexternal: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg scriptname, scriptopts, msgno scriptopts = substitute(scriptopts, "%s", '"'globalcfg.SYSTEM'"') scriptopts = substitute(scriptopts, "%c", '"'globalcfg.conference'"') scriptopts = substitute(scriptopts, "%n", msgno) if fromthor then scriptopts = substitute(scriptopts, "%p", '"'thorport'"') else scriptopts = substitute(scriptopts, "%p", '"NONE"') if index(scriptname, ':') > 0 then scriptpath = scriptname else scriptpath = thorpath || scriptname address(command) 'rx >T:SortMail.result 'scriptpath' 'scriptopts returned = rc if returned > 0 then do resopen = open(rf, 'T:SortMail.result', 'R') if resopen then do res = readln(rf) if left(res, 20) = 'rx failed returncode' then do res2 = readln(rf) if res2 ~= '' then res = res2 end call close(rf) end else res = 'Unknown error' call displayerror(returned, 'External script 'scriptpath, res, msgno) end if exists('T:SortMail.result') then 'Delete T:SortMail.result QUIET' return(returned) /**************************************************************************** ************************* Parse AmiNet RECENT updates ************************* ****************************************************************************/ parseaminet: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg system, conference, number, checkdupes, dontadd, nostats curline = 1; res = 0 /* ** Compensate for a bug in bbsread on OS2.x systems */ if right(bbsdata.BBSPATH, 1) ~= ':' & right(bbsdata.BBSPATH, 1) ~= '/' then bbsdata.BBSPATH = bbsdata.BBSPATH'/' /* ** Read message text if it isn't already read */ address(bbsread) if textread = 0 then do 'READBRMESSAGE "'system'" "'conference'" 'number' TEXTSTEM 'text if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(10, 'AmiNet RECENT parser', 'READBRMESSAGE, text stem: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, number) return(10) end textread = 1 end /* ** Exit if it doesn't start with "|" (then it's probably not a RECENT msg) */ if left(text.TEXT.curline, 1) ~= '|' then do call displayerror(5, 'AmiNet RECENT parser', 'Not a AmiNet RECENT message.', number) return(5) end /* ** Read exclude file */ openexcl = open(ef, bbsdata.BBSPATH || 'SortMail.excl', 'R') if openexcl then do cnt = 0 do until eof(ef) entry = readln(ef) if entry ~= '' then do; cnt = cnt + 1; excldir.cnt = entry; end end excldir.count = cnt call close(ef) end /* ** Skip all lines beginning with "|" */ do while(left(text.TEXT.curline, 1) = '|'); curline = curline + 1; end /* ** Exit if there are no new files */ if curline >= text.TEXT.COUNT then do call displayerror(5, 'AmiNet RECENT parser', 'No new files in message.', number) return(5) end /* ** Update NewFiles.txt, delete it first if there's a old one there already */ if (delnewfiles = 0) & (exists(bbsdata.BBSPATH'Newfiles.txt')) then do address(command) 'Delete "'bbsdata.BBSPATH'Newfiles.txt" QUIET' delnewfiles = 1 end if exists(bbsdata.BBSPATH'Newfiles.txt') then call open(ar, bbsdata.BBSPATH'Newfiles.txt', 'A') else call open(ar, bbsdata.BBSPATH'Newfiles.txt', 'W') /* ** Process the RECENT message */ address(bbsread) do until curline = text.TEXT.COUNT aline = text.TEXT.curline if left(aline, 1) = '|' then signal writestats if aline ~= "" then do delfile = 0; drop found. filetags. if (dontadd = 1) then addfile = 0; else addfile = 1 if (aline) = 'Message of the day:' then signal writemotd farea = word(aline, 2) if (addfile) & (openexcl) then do i = 1 to excldir.count if (index(excldir.i, '/') > 0) & (farea = excldir.i) then addfile = 0 else if left(farea, length(excldir.i)) = excldir.i then addfile = 0 end if (addfile) then do fname = word(aline, 1) fdesc = right(aline, length(aline) - 35) fsize = right(left(aline, 34), 5) if right(fsize, 1) = 'M' then mega = 1 else mega = 0 fsize = compress(fsize, 'KM .') if ~datatype(fsize, 'W') then fsize = 0 fsize = fsize * 1024 if mega = 1 then fsize = trunc((fsize * 1024) / 10) if checkdupes then do 'SEARCHBRFILE BBSNAME "'system'" FAREANAME "'farea'" SEARCH "'fname'" NAME STEM 'found if rc = 6 then drop BBSREAD.LASTERROR else if rc ~= 0 then do res = rc call displayerror(res, 'AmiNet RECENT parser', 'SEARCHBRFILE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, number) end else if result > 0 then do i = 1 to found.FILE.1.COUNT 'READBRFILE BBSNAME "'system'" FAREANAME "'farea'" FILENR 'found.FILE.1.i' TAGSSTEM 'filetags if rc ~= 0 then do res = rc call displayerror(res, 'AmiNet RECENT parser', 'READBRFILE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, number) end else if filetags.DESCRIPTION.1 ~= fdesc & (fsize > filetags.SIZE + 1023 | fsize < filetags.SIZE - 1024) then do 'WRITEBRFILE BBSNAME "'system'" FAREANAME "'farea'" UPDATEFILENR 'found.FILE.1.1' DELETEFILE' if rc ~= 0 then do res = rc call displayerror(res, 'AmiNet RECENT parser', 'WRITEBRFILE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, number) end delfile = 1 end if delfile = 0 then addfile = 0 end end end if addfile & fdesc ~= '' then do 'CONFIGFAREA "'system'" "'farea'"' if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(rc, 'AmiNet RECENT parser', 'CONFIGFAREA: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, number) drop brfile. brfile.NAME = fname brfile.SIZE = fsize brfile.DATE = head.CREATIONDATE brfile.DESCRIPTION.COUNT = 1 brfile.DESCRIPTION.1 = strip(fdesc) 'WRITEBRFILE "'system'" "'farea'" STEM 'brfile if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(rc, 'AmiNet RECENT parser', 'WRITEBRFILE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, number) res = rc end end call writeln(ar, aline) end curline = curline + 1 end signal amifini /* ** Write statistics from AmiNet */ writestats: if nostats = 1 then signal amifini aminetlogcount = aminetlogcount + 1; aminetlog.text.aminetlogcount = '*AmiNet* *Statistics*' aminetlogcount = aminetlogcount + 1; aminetlog.text.aminetlogcount = '' do i = curline to text.TEXT.COUNT aline = text.TEXT.i if aline = 'Message of the day:' then do curline = i signal writemotd end aminetlogcount = aminetlogcount + 1; aminetlog.text.aminetlogcount = aline end aminetlogcount = aminetlogcount + 1; aminetlog.text.aminetlogcount = '' signal amifini /* ** Write AmiNet Message of the Day */ writemotd: if nostats = 1 then signal amifini address(bbsread) 'AMIGA2DATE SECONDS 'head.CREATIONDATE' STEM 'time if rc ~= 0 then displayerror(5, 'AmiNet Message of the Day', BBSREAD.LASTERROR, number) aminetlogcount = aminetlogcount + 1; aminetlog.text.aminetlogcount = '*AmiNet* *Message* *of* *the* *Day*: 'time.MDAY'.'time.MONTH'.'time.YEAR aminetlogcount = aminetlogcount + 1; aminetlog.text.aminetlogcount = '' do i = curline to text.TEXT.COUNT aline = text.TEXT.i if left(aline, 1) = '|' then do curline = i signal writestats end aminetlogcount = aminetlogcount + 1; aminetlog.text.aminetlogcount = aline end aminetlogcount = aminetlogcount + 1; aminetlog.text.aminetlogcount = '' /* ** Clean up and return */ amifini: call close(ar) return(res) /**************************************************************************** ******************************** Copy messages ******************************** *****************************************************************************/ copymsg: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg system, mailconf, number, toconf, repaddr, tosys /* ** Read text stem if it's not already read */ address(bbsread) if textread = 0 then do 'READBRMESSAGE "'system'" "'mailconf'" 'number' TEXTSTEM 'text if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(10, 'Message copy', BBSREAD.LASTERROR, number) return(10) end textread = 1 end if text.TEXT.COUNT = 0 & (text.PART.COUNT = 0 | symbol('text.PART.COUNT') ~= 'VAR') then do text.TEXT.1 = ' '; text.TEXT.COUNT = 1 end if head.fromname ~= "HEAD.FROMNAME" then text.fromname = head.fromname if head.fromaddr ~= "HEAD.FROMADDR" then text.fromaddr = head.fromaddr if head.toname ~= "HEAD.TONAME" then text.toname = head.toname if head.toaddr ~= "HEAD.TOADDR" then text.toaddr = head.toaddr if head.msgid ~= "HEAD.MSGID" then text.msgid = head.msgid if head.refid ~= "HEAD.REFID" then text.refid = head.refid if head.creationdate ~= "HEAD.CREATIONDATE" then text.creationdate = head.creationdate if head.creationdatetxt ~= "HEAD.CREATIONDATETXT" then text.creationdatetxt = head.creationdatetxt if head.subject ~= "HEAD.SUBJECT" then text.subject = head.subject text.replyconf = mailconf drop text.replyname if (repaddr = '') | (right(repaddr, 9) = 'REPLYADDR') then do if symbol('text.replyaddr') ~= 'VAR' then do text.replyaddr = head.fromaddr if symbol('head.fromname') = 'VAR' then text.replyname = head.fromname end end else text.replyaddr = repaddr repl = ""; priv = ""; kep = ""; urg = ""; imp = ""; conf = "" if bittst(data.flags, 1) then repl = "REPLIED" if bittst(data.flags, 2) then priv = "PRIVATE" if bittst(data.flags, 7) then kep = "KEEP" if bittst(data.flags, 11) then urg = "URGENT" if bittst(data.flags, 12) then imp = "IMPORTANT" if bittst(data.flags, 17) then conf = "CONFIDENTIAL" if (tosys = '') | (right(tosys, 7) = 'DESTSYS') then call writemessage('"'system'"' '"'toconf'"' text repl priv kep urg imp conf HAZELEVEL data.HAZELEVEL) else call writemessage('"'tosys'"' '"'toconf'"' text repl priv kep urg imp conf HAZELEVEL data.HAZELEVEL) return(result) /**************************************************************************** ***************************** Save message to disk **************************** ****************************************************************************/ savemessage: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg msgno, desttype, destname, header, append, nobin, subst, with /* ** Find download path */ address(bbsread) if symbol('bbsdata.DNLOADPATH') ~= 'VAR' | bbsdata.DNLOADPATH = '' then do 'GETGLOBALDATA 'globaldata if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(returned, 'Save message', 'GETGLOBALDATA: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgno) return(returned) end downloadpath = globaldata.DNLOADPATH end else downloadpath = bbsdata.DNLOADPATH if right(downloadpath, 1) ~= ':' & right(downloadpath, 1) ~= '/' then downloadpath = downloadpath'/' /* ** Find path, filename and mode of output file */ select when desttype = 0 then do destfile = destname if (append) & (exists(fileame)) then filemode = 'A' else filemode = 'W' end when desttype = 1 then do destfile = head.SUBJECT if subst ~= '' then do if with ~= '' then destfile = substitute(destfile, subst, with) else do call displayerror(20, 'Save message', 'SUBSTITUTE/K needs WITH/K.', msgno) return(20) end end /* Strip unwanted characters and "Re: " from subject */ destfile = compress(destfile, '*') destfile = compress(destfile, '#') destfile = compress(destfile, '?') destfile = compress(destfile, '`') destfile = compress(destfile, '/') destfile = compress(destfile, ':') do while upper(left(destfile, 3)) = 'RE ' if upper(left(destfile, 3)) = 'RE ' then destfile = substr(destfile, 4) end if right(destname, 1) ~= ':' & right(destname, 1) ~= '/' then destname = destname'/' destfile = destname || destfile if (append) & (exists(destfile)) then filemode = 'A' else filemode = 'W' end otherwise do call displayerror(20, 'Save Message', 'Neither DIRECTORY/K nor FILENAME/K were specified.', msgno) return(20) end end fileopen = 0 if symbol('thorport') = 'VAR' & thorport ~= 'NONE' then do if ~nobin then do address(bbsread) if ~textread then do 'READBRMESSAGE "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.CONFERENCE'" 'msgno' TEXTSTEM 'text returned = rc if rc > 0 then do call displayerror(returned, 'Save message', 'READBRMESSAGE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgno) return(returned) end textread = 1 end call checkbin('text', msgno, downloadpath) returned = result end saveargs = '' if ~header then saveargs = saveargs' NOHEADER' if ~append then saveargs = saveargs' OVERWRITE' address(thorport) 'SAVEMESSAGE "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.CONFERENCE'" MSGNR 'msgno' FILE "'destfile'" 'saveargs smreturned = rc if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(smreturned, 'Save Message', 'SAVEMESSAGE: 'THOR.LASTERROR, msgno) end if symbol('returned') ~= 'VAR' then returned = 0 if smreturned > returned then returned = smreturned; drop smreturned end else do if textread = 0 then do address(bbsread) 'READBRMESSAGE "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.CONFERENCE'" 'msgno' TEXTSTEM 'text returned = rc if rc > 0 then do call displayerror(returned, 'Save message', 'READBRMESSAGE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgno) return(returned) end textread = 1 end call savemsg('head', 'text', destfile, filemode, header, nobin, msgno, downloadpath) returned = rc end if fileopen then do call close(of) fileopen = 0 end return(returned) /**************************************************************************** ******************* Check if a message contains binary parts ****************** ****************************************************************************/ checkbin: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg tstem, msgno, downloadpath /* ** Check for message parts */ if symbol(tstem'.PART.COUNT') = 'VAR' then do parts = value(tstem'.PART.COUNT') if parts > 0 then do i = 1 to parts select when symbol(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY') = 'VAR' then do if exists(value(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY')) then do address(command) 'Copy "'value(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY')'" TO "'downloadpath'" CLONE QUIET' if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(20, 'Save message', 'Failed to copy binary part to download directory.', msgno) return(20) end address(bbsread) end end otherwise do usestem = tstem'.PART.'i'.MSG' call checkbin(usestem, msgno, downloadpath) end end end end return(0) /**************************************************************************** *************** Recursive procedure for writing message to file *************** ****************************************************************************/ savemsg: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg hstem, tstem, filename, filemode, header, nobin, msgno, downloadpath /* ** Open file for writing/appending */ if ~fileopen then do fileopen = open(of, filename, filemode) if fileopen & filemode = 'A' then call writeln(of, copies('=', 79)) end if ~fileopen then do call displayerror(20, 'Save Message', 'Couldn''t open "'filename'" for writing.', msgno) return(20) end /* ** Write to/from names/addresses, subject and header */ if header then do if symbol(hstem.'FROMNAME') = 'VAR' then do from = value(hstem'.FROMNAME') if symbol(hstem'.FROMADDR') = "VAR" then from = from || ' <' || value(hstem'.FROMADDR') || '>' end else do from = head.FROMNAME if symbol('head.FROMADDR') = "VAR" then from = from || ' <' || head.FROMADDR || '>' end call writeln(of, 'From: 'from) if symbol(hstem'.TONAME') = "VAR" then do to = value(hstem'.TONAME') if symbol(hstem'.TOADDR') = "VAR" then to = to || ' <' || value(hstem'.TOADDR') || '>' call writeln(of, 'To: 'to) end if symbol(hstem'.SUBJECT') = 'VAR' then call writeln(of, 'Subject: 'value(hstem'.SUBJECT')) else call writeln(of, 'Subject: 'head.SUBJECT) if symbol(tstem'.COMMENT.COUNT') = "VAR" then do cnt = value(tstem'.COMMENT.COUNT') if cnt > 0 then do do i = 1 to cnt; call writeln(of, value(tstem'.COMMENT.'i)); end end end end /* ** Write body text */ if symbol(tstem'.TEXT.COUNT') = "VAR" then do cnt = value(tstem'.TEXT.COUNT') if cnt > 0 then do call writeln(of, '') do i = 1 to cnt; call writeln(of, value(tstem'.TEXT.'i)); end end end /* ** Check for message parts */ if symbol(tstem'.PART.COUNT') = "VAR" then do parts = value(tstem'.PART.COUNT') if parts > 0 then do i = 1 to parts select when symbol(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY') = "VAR" then do call writeln(of, '') cnt = 0 if symbol(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY.COMMENT.COUNT') = VAR & header then cnt = value(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY.COMMENT.COUNT') if cnt > 0 then do call writeln(of, '') do j = 1 to cnt call writeln(of, value(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY.COMMENT.'j)) end end call writeln(of, '[Binary part: 'value(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY')']') if ~nobin then do if exists(value(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY')) then do address(command) 'Copy "'value(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY')'" TO "'downloadpath'" CLONE QUIET' if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(20, 'Save message', 'Failed to copy binary part to download directory.', msgno) return(20) end address(bbsread) call writeln(of, '[Binary part copied to: 'downloadpath']') end else call writeln(of, '[Binary part "'value(tstem'.PART.'i'.BINARY')'" was already deleted]') end end when symbol(tstem'.PART.'i'.COMMENT.COUNT') = "VAR" & header then do cnt = value(tstem'.PART.'i'.COMMENT.COUNT') if cnt > 0 then do do j = 1 to cnt call writeln(of, value(tstem'.PART.'i'.COMMENT.'j)) end end end when symbol(tstem'.PART.'i'.TEXT.COUNT') = "VAR" then do cnt = value(tstem'.PART.'i'.TEXT.COUNT') if cnt > 0 then do call writeln(of, '') do j = 1 to cnt call writeln(of, value(tstem'.PART.'i'.TEXT.'j)) end end end otherwise do call writeln(of, copies('=', 79)) usestem = tstem'.PART.'i'.MSG' call savemsg(usestem, usestem, filename, filemode, header, nobin, msgno, downloadpath) end end end end return(0) /**************************************************************************** ************************** Write message to database ************************** ****************************************************************************/ writemessage: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg wmarguments /* ** Initialize arguments and parse them */ wmtemplate = 'SYSTEM/A,CONFERENCE/A,MSGSTEM/A,DONTMARKMESSAGE/S,REPLIED/S,PRIVATE/S,KEEP/S,READ/S,URGENT/S,IMPORTANT/S,CONFIDENTIAL/S,HAZELEVEL/K/N' CDB_MARK_OWN_MSGS = 22 /* Also mark messages from user when adding messages. */ CDF_NOT_ON_BBS = '00008000'x /* This conference is not on the bbs. */ wmargs.DONTMARKMESSAGE = 0; wmargs.PRIVATE = 0; wmargs.READ = 0; wmargs.URGENT = 0 wmargs.IMPORTANT = 0; wmargs.CONFIDENTIAL = 0; wmargs.KEEP = 0; wmargs.REPLIED = 0 wmargs.HAZELEVEL = 0 address(bbsread) 'READARGS 'wmtemplate wmargs' CMDLINE 'wmarguments if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(10, 'Write message', 'READARGS: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) return(10) end /* ** See if the conference the msg will be written to exists */ if conflist.system ~= wmargs.SYSTEM then do 'GETCONFLIST BBSNAME "'wmargs.SYSTEM'" STEM 'conflist if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETCONFLIST: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) conflist.system = wmargs.SYSTEM end do n = 1 to conflist.COUNT + 1 while upper(wmargs.CONFERENCE) ~= upper(conflist.n) if n = conflist.COUNT + 1 then do /* Create the new conference */ 'CONFIGCONF "'wmargs.SYSTEM'" "'wmargs.CONFERENCE'" SET 'c2x(CDF_NOT_ON_BBS) if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(30, 'Write message', 'CONFIGCONF: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) return(30) end conflist.n = toconf conflist.COUNT = conflist.COUNT + 1 end end /* ** If Show own messages isn't activated in conference mark then don't ** mark message as unread. */ 'GETCONFDATA "'wmargs.SYSTEM'" "'wmargs.CONFERENCE'" STEM 'confdata if rc ~= 0 then do returned = rc call displayerror(returned, 'Write message', 'GETCONFDATA: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) return(returned) end if ~bittst(confdata.FLAGS, CDB_MARK_OWN_MSGS) & (value(wmargs.msgstem'.fromaddr') = bbsdata.EMAILADDR) then wmargs.DONTMARKMESSAGE = 1 /* ** Set the selected message flags */ writeflags = '' if wmargs.DONTMARKMESSAGE then writeflags = writeflags'DONTMARKMESSAGE ' if wmargs.PRIVATE then writeflags = writeflags'PRIVATE ' if wmargs.READ then writeflags = writeflags'READ ' if wmargs.URGENT then writeflags = writeflags'URGENT ' if wmargs.IMPORTANT then writeflags = writeflags'IMPORTANT ' if wmargs.CONFIDENTIAL then writeflags = writeflags'CONFIDENTIAL ' updateflags = '' if wmargs.KEEP then updateflags = updateflags'SETKEEP ' if wmargs.REPLIED then updateflags = updateflags'SETREPLIED ' if wmargs.HAZELEVEL > 0 then updateflags = updateflags'HAZELEVEL 'wmargs.HAZELEVEL' ' /* ** Write the message */ address(bbsread) 'WRITEBRMESSAGE "'wmargs.SYSTEM'" "'wmargs.CONFERENCE'" STEM 'wmargs.MSGSTEM msgnr = result if rc ~= 0 then do returned = rc call displayerror(returned, 'Write message', 'WRITEBRMESSAGE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) return(returned) end /* ** Give the new message it's flags */ if updateflags ~= '' then do 'UPDATEBRMESSAGE "'wmargs.SYSTEM'" "'wmargs.CONFERENCE'" 'msgnr updateflags if rc ~= 0 then do returned = rc call displayerror(returned, 'Write message', 'UPDATEBRMESSAGE: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgnr) return(returned) end end return(0) /**************************************************************************** *********************** Open and read configuration file ********************** ****************************************************************************/ readcfg: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals triggers = 0 address(bbsread) cfgopen = open(cf, bbsdata.BBSPATH || cfgfile, 'R') if cfgopen then do cfglength = seek(cf, 0, 'E'); call seek(cf, 0, 'B') cfgline = 0 do until (seek(cf, 0) = cfglength) entry = readln(cf); cfgline = cfgline + 1 if symbol('progwin') = 'VAR' then do address(thorport) 'UPDATEPROGRESS 'progwin' CURRENT 'seek(cf, 0)' TOTAL 'cfglength if rc = 5 then signal cleanup if rc ~= 0 then displayerror(rc, 'Read config', 'UPDATEPROGRESS: 'THOR.LASTERROR) address(bbsread) end select when upper(subword(entry, 1, 1)) = "SYSTEM" then displayerror(30, 'Read config', 'Found old 2.x configuration file. SortMail has\nchanged the configuration file format in version\n3.0. Please create a new one with CfgSortMail.thor.') when upper(subword(entry, 1, 1)) = "GLOBAL" then do globalcfg.STATISTICS = 0; globalcfg.NOWARN = 0; globalcfg.LOGINSTATE = 0 'READARGS TEMPLATE "SYSTEM/K,CONFERENCE/A,STATISTICS/S,NOWARN/S,LOGINSTATE/S" STEM 'globalcfg' CMDLINE 'subword(entry, 2) if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'Read config', 'Error in 'cfgfile' line 'cfgline': 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) /* ** Exit of user's in the wrong system or there's no marked msgs */ if fromthor then do globalcfg.SYSTEM = cursys.BBSNAME 'GETCONFDATA "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.CONFERENCE'" STEM 'confdata if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'SortMail', 'GETCONFDATA: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) if confdata.MSGMARKED = 0 then signal cleanup end end when upper(subword(entry, 1, 1)) = "TRIGGER" then do triggers = triggers + 1 trigger.triggers.cmdline = subword(entry, 2) trigger.triggers.DELMSG = 0; trigger.triggers.DELUSER = 0; trigger.triggers.MATCHALL = 0; trigger.triggers.hitcount = 0; trigger.triggers.failcount = 0 'READARGS TEMPLATE "NAME/A,DELMSG/S,DELUSER/S,MATCHALL/S" STEM 'trigger.triggers' CMDLINE 'trigger.triggers.cmdline if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'Read config', 'Error in 'cfgfile' line 'cfgline': 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) do searches = 0; actions = 0 do until (upper(subentry) = 'ENDTRIGGER') | (eof(cf)) subentry = readln(cf); cfgline = cfgline + 1 select when upper(subword(subentry, 1, 1)) = 'ACTION' then do actions = actions + 1 trigger.triggers.action.actions.checkdupes = 0; trigger.triggers.action.actions.dontadd = 0; trigger.triggers.action.actions.nostats = 0; trigger.triggers.action.actions.header = 0; trigger.triggers.action.actions.append = 0; trigger.triggers.action.actions.nobin = 0; trigger.triggers.action.actions.hitcount = 0; trigger.triggers.action.actions.failcount = 0 'READARGS TEMPLATE "TYPE/A,DESTSYS/K,DESTCONF/K,REPLYADDR/K,SCRIPTNAME/K,SCRIPTOPTS/K,FILENAME/K,DIRECTORY/K,SUBSTITUTE/K,WITH/K,HEADER/S,APPEND/S,NOBIN/S,CHECKDUPES/S,DONTADD/S,NOSTATS/S" STEM 'trigger.triggers.action.actions' CMDLINE 'subword(subentry, 2) trigger.triggers.action.actions.type = upper(trigger.triggers.action.actions.type) if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'Read config', 'Error in 'cfgfile' line 'cfgline': 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) end when upper(subword(subentry, 1, 1)) = 'SEARCH' then do searches = searches + 1 'READARGS TEMPLATE "TYPE/A,CRITERIA/A,KEYWORD/K" STEM 'trigger.triggers.search.searches' CMDLINE 'subword(subentry, 2) trigger.triggers.search.searches.type = upper(trigger.triggers.search.searches.type) if rc ~= 0 then call displayerror(30, 'Read config', 'Error in 'cfgfile' line 'cfgline': 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR) end when eof(cf) then call displayerror(30, 'Read config', 'Premature end of configuration file 'cfgfile) when upper(subword(subentry, 1, 1)) = 'TRIGGER' then call displayerror(30, 'Read config', 'TRIGGER did not contain ENDTRIGGER in 'cfgfile' line 'cfgline) otherwise nop end end end trigger.triggers.action.count = actions trigger.triggers.search.count = searches end otherwise nop end trigger.count = triggers end end else do call displayerror(30, 'Read config', 'Couldn''t open ' || bbsdata.BBSPATH || cfgfile || ' for reading.') end if trigger.count = 0 then signal cleanup call close(cf) return(0) /**************************************************************************** *********************** Display requester / type message ********************** ****************************************************************************/ notify: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg message, choices seperator = index(choices, '|') if seperator > 0 then do firstchoice = substr(choices, 1, seperator - 1) secondchoice = substr(choices, seperator + 1) end address(bbsread) 'BUFMODE ENDCOPYBACK' if ~fromthor then do message = substitute(message, '\n', ' ') if seperator > 0 then do say message options prompt firstchoice' or 'secondchoice': ' parse pull choice options prompt select when upper(left(choice, 1)) = upper(left(firstchoice, 1)) then reqres = 1 when upper(left(choice, 1)) = upper(left(secondchoice, 1)) then reqres = 0 otherwise reqres = 0 end say end else do say message say reqres = 0 end end else do message = substitute(message, '"', '*"') address(thorport) REQUESTNOTIFY '"'message'"' '"'choices'"' reqres = result end address(bbsread) 'BUFMODE COPYBACK' return(reqres) /**************************************************************************** *********************** Display error and return or quit ********************** ****************************************************************************/ displayerror: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg returned, caller, errmsg, msgno if msgno ~= '' then errhead = caller' returned 'returned' on message #'msgno':' else errhead = caller' returned 'returned' in line 'sigl':' select when returned > 0 & returned < 6 then do if ~globalcfg.NOWARN then do call notify(errhead || '\n' || errmsg, 'Continue|Abort') if result = 0 then signal cleanup end errlogcount = errlogcount + 1; errlog.text.errlogcount = errhead errlogcount = errlogcount + 1; errlog.text.errlogcount = errmsg errlogcount = errlogcount + 1; errlog.text.errlogcount = '' end when returned > 5 & returned < 20 then do call notify(errhead || '\n' || errmsg, 'Continue|Abort') if result = 0 then signal cleanup errlogcount = errlogcount + 1; errlog.text.errlogcount = errhead errlogcount = errlogcount + 1; errlog.text.errlogcount = errmsg errlogcount = errlogcount + 1; errlog.text.errlogcount = '' end when returned > 19 then do call notify(errhead || '\n' || errmsg, 'Abort') signal cleanup end otherwise nop end drop THOR.LASTERROR BBSREAD.LASTERROR return(0) /**************************************************************************** ********************* Substitute a string within a string ********************* ******** Shamelessly ripped from Troels Walsted Hansen's UUDecode.thor ******** ****************************************************************************/ substitute: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg str, org, new lastfound = 0 found = index(str, org) do while found > lastfound secondpart = substr(str, found + length(org)) firstpart = substr(str, 1, length(str) - length(substr(str, found))) str = firstpart || new || secondpart lastfound = found + length(new) found = index(str, org, lastfound) end return(str) /**************************************************************************** ******************************** Split digests ******************************** ****************************************************************************/ splitdigest: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals parse arg msgno, destconf, repaddr, tosys, mailconf /* ** Read message's header and text stems */ if textread = 0 then do 'READBRMESSAGE "'globalcfg.SYSTEM'" "'globalcfg.CONFERENCE'" 'msgno' TEXTSTEM 'text if rc ~= 0 then do call displayerror(10, 'Split digest', 'READBRMESSAGE, text stem: 'BBSREAD.LASTERROR, msgno) return(10) end end if symbol('text.TEXT.COUNT') = 'VAR' & text.TEXT.COUNT > 0 & symbol('text.PART.COUNT') = 'VAR' & text.PART.COUNT > 0 then do call displayerror(5, 'Split digest', 'Message contains both a text body and text parts.', msgno) return(5) end if symbol('text.PART.COUNT') = 'VAR' & text.PART.COUNT > 0 then do returned = 0 do i = 1 to text.PART.COUNT if (symbol('text.PART.'i'.TEXT.COUNT') = 'VAR' | symbol('text.PART.'i'.COMMENT.COUNT') = 'VAR' | symbol('text.PART.'i'.BINARY') = 'VAR') & (returned ~= 5) then do call displayerror(5, 'Split digest', 'MIME digest contains a non-text part.', msgno) returned = 5 end if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.FROMNAME') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.fromname = head.FROMNAME if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.FROMADDR') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.fromaddr = head.FROMADDR if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.TONAME') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.toname = head.TONAME if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.TOADDR') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.toaddr = head.TOADDR /* if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.MSGID') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.msgid = head.MSGID*/ if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.REFID') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.refid = head.REFID if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.CREATIONDATE') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.creationdate = head.CREATIONDATE if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.CREATIONDATETXT') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.creationdatetxt = head.CREATIONDATETXT if symbol('text.PART.'i'.MSG.SUBJECT') ~= 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.subject = head.SUBJECT if (repaddr = '') | (right(repaddr, 9) = 'REPLYADDR') then do if symbol('text.replyaddr') = 'VAR' then do text.PART.i.MSG.replyaddr = text.replyaddr if symbol('text.replyname') = 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.replyname = text.replyname end else do text.PART.i.MSG.replyaddr = head.fromaddr if symbol('head.fromname') = 'VAR' then text.PART.i.MSG.replyname = head.fromname end end else text.PART.i.MSG.replyaddr = repaddr text.PART.i.MSG.replyconf = mailconf if (tosys = '') | (right(tosys, 7) = 'DESTSYS') then call writemessage(SYSTEM '"'globalcfg.SYSTEM'"' CONFERENCE '"'destconf'"' MSGSTEM value(text.PART.'i'.MSG)) else call writemessage(SYSTEM '"'tosys'"' CONFERENCE '"'destconf'"' MSGSTEM value(text.PART.'i'.MSG)) if result ~= 0 then do if (returned > 0) & (returned > result) then return(returned) else return(result) end end end else do line = 1; parsed = 0; drop endsubmsg do forever newmsg.text.count = 0 fromline = 0; subjline = 0; dateline = 0; msgoffset = 0 do until (text.text.line = '') & (fromline ~= 0) select when upper(subword(text.text.line, 1, 1)) = "FROM:" then fromline = line when upper(subword(text.text.line, 1, 1)) = "SUBJECT:" then subjline = line when upper(subword(text.text.line, 1, 1)) = "DATE:" then dateline = line when msgoffset > 100 then do call displayerror(5, 'Parse digest', 'Couldn''t find sub-message, no from: line.', msgno) return(5) end when line > text.text.count then do if ~parsed then do call displayerror(5, 'Parse digest', 'Unexpected end of message.', msgno) return(5) end else return(0) end otherwise nop end line = line + 1; msgoffset = msgoffset + 1 end /* Pick up date line and skip blank lines */ do forever if line = text.text.count then do call displayerror(5, 'Parse digest', 'Failed to find start of first submessage''s text body.', msgno) return(5) end if upper(subword(text.text.line, 1, 1)) = "DATE:" then dateline = line else if text.text.line ~= '' then break line = line + 1 end /* Search for 'End of message' line or the end of the digest */ newmsg.text.count = 0; msgline = 0; foundend = 0 do forever notthisone = 0 if line = text.text.count then do call displayerror(5, 'Parse digest', 'Immature end of message.', msgno) return(5) end if (symbol('endsubmsg') ~= 'VAR') & (upper(subword(text.text.line, 1, 1)) = "FROM:") then do call displayerror(5, 'Parse digest', 'End of submessage not detected.', msgno) return(5) end if symbol('endsubmsg') ~= 'VAR' then do if (left(text.text.line, 1) = '-') & (length(text.text.line) > 29) & (length(text.text.line) = length(compress(text.text.line))) & (text.text.line = copies(left(text.text.line, 1), length(text.text.line))) then do templine = line + 1 do until (foundend) | (notthisone) | (templine = text.text.count) if (text.text.templine ~= '') then do if (upper(subword(text.text.templine, 1, 1)) = "FROM:") | (upper(subword(text.text.templine, 1, 1)) = "DATE:") | (upper(subword(text.text.templine, 1, 1)) = "SUBJECT:") | (upper(left(text.text.templine, 9)) = 'MESSAGE #') then do endsubmsg = text.text.line; foundend = 1 end else if ((templine + 7) <= text.text.COUNT) then notthisone = 1; else foundend = 1 end templine = templine + 1 end end end else if compare(endsubmsg, text.text.line) = 0 then foundend = 1 if foundend then break msgline = msgline + 1; newmsg.text.msgline = text.text.line newmsg.text.count = newmsg.text.count + 1 line = line + 1 end /* Some magic to find name, address and subject */ newmsg.subject = "<no subject>" newmsg.fromname = "Unknown" newmsg.fromaddr = "<no address>" from = strip(substr(text.text.fromline, 6)) from = translate(from, '<>', '()') i = pos("<", from) if (i ~= 0) & (pos(">", from) > 0) then do checkaddr = strip(substr(from, i, pos('>', from) - i), B, ' <>"') if pos("@", checkaddr) = 0 then do newmsg.fromname = checkaddr newmsg.fromaddr = strip(delstr(from, i, pos('>', from) - i), B, ' >') end else do newmsg.fromaddr = checkaddr newmsg.fromname = strip(delstr(from, i, pos('>', from) - i), B, ' ">') end end else do if pos("@", from) = 0 then do newmsg.fromname = strip(from, B, ' <>"') end else do newmsg.fromaddr = strip(from, B, ' <>"') end end if subjline ~= 0 then newmsg.subject = strip(subword(text.text.subjline, 2)) if dateline ~= 0 then newmsg.creationdatetxt = strip(subword(text.text.dateline, 2)) /* Removed msgid copying to avoid multiple messages with the same message id if symbol('head.MSGID') ~= 'VAR' then newmsg.msgid = head.MSGID */ /* Find correct reply address */ if (repaddr = '') | (right(repaddr, 9) = 'REPLYADDR') then do if symbol('text.replyaddr') = 'VAR' then do newmsg.replyaddr = text.replyaddr if symbol('text.replyname') = 'VAR' then newmsg.replyname = text.replyname end else do newmsg.replyaddr = head.fromaddr if symbol('head.fromname') = 'VAR' then newmsg.replyname = head.fromname end end else newmsg.replyaddr = repaddr newmsg.replyconf = mailconf if (tosys = '') | (right(tosys, 7) = 'DESTSYS') then call writemessage(SYSTEM '"'globalcfg.SYSTEM'"' CONFERENCE '"'destconf'"' MSGSTEM newmsg) else call writemessage(SYSTEM '"'tosys'"' CONFERENCE '"'destconf'"' MSGSTEM newmsg) if result ~= 0 then return(result) drop newmsg.; parsed = 1 end end return(0) /**************************************************************************** ****************************** Check Thor version ***************************** ****************************************************************************/ getver: interpret 'procedure expose 'globals address(thorport) 'VERSION STEM 'ver fullver = subword(ver.THOR, 1, 1) ver.thorver = substr(fullver, 1, index(fullver, '.') - 1) ver.thorrev = compress(substr(fullver, index(fullver, '.') + 1), 'ß') ver.thorrev = ver.thorrev /* Circumvent a bug in Thor 2.31 that appends garbage to ver.THOR */ if left(ver.thorrev, 2) = 31 then ver.thorrev = 31 return(0)